Volunteer at L’Arche
As a volunteer at L’Arche Homefires, you’ll meet amazing people, laugh, make a difference in someone’s day, and start to see the world in a whole new light!
Volunteers help to create places of home and belonging, together with people who have intellectual disabilities—in solidarity with L’Arche communities in nearly 40 countries and on six continents. You’ll play a role in revealing the gifts and celebrating the unique value of every person.
As a volunteer, you may:
Spend time with our members as a friendly visitor or get to know one person through a shared activity such as reading, going for a walk, preparing a meal, or creating art together at one of our three day programs;
Lend a hand in the maintenance of the home, or spend an afternoon of cleaning or helping with the garden;
Help out with occasional fundraising events: selling tickets, serving coffee, putting up posters, greeting at the door;
Assist with marketing, communications, photography;
Help out in our homes with everyday life and celebrations;
Many volunteers come to L’Arche wanting an experience of life in our community: L’Arche knows how to create settings where relationships of mutuality can develop. Additionally, people find L’Arche to be a great environment for personal growth! Other people come to L’Arche because of a social justice motivation or because the spiritual elements of L’Arche attracts them.
Whatever your initial motivation, we hope that you too can soon realize that the people you come to help and with whom you develop friendships have much to give and to teach you.
To get started, please email development@larchehomefires.org
*Please note: We are only accepting volunteer applicants who are residing in Nova Scotia.

How your donation helps L'Arche.
Thanks for your continued support! There are so many ways to make a difference at L’Arche Homefires and it’s easier than ever to give a gift or make a charitable donation.