About L’Arche
L'Arche strives to foster a truly human society.
L'Arche seeks to offer not a solution, but a sign - a sign that society, to be truly human, must be founded on welcome and respect for all people, whatever their abilities.
Each L’Arche community is centered around homes, workplaces, gathering places or all three. Each community forms a network of relationships open to all its members, both with or without an intellectual disability.
Our Welcoming
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, is a charming and idyllic town that exudes a warm sense of community. There’s a tight-knit atmosphere, where the bonds between its residents are as enduring as the stunning landscapes that surround it.

Our History
L'Arche Homefires was established in Wolfville in 1981, when John MacNeil, Keith Strong, and Debra and Jeff Moore began to share life together. What began with one family is now a thriving community serving people with disabilities in five homes, an independent Living Support Program, and day programs. Community members live together in mutually supportive relationships and are an active force in society, participating in every aspect of life - employment, local theatre, church, farmer's markets, service clubs and local politics.
L'Arche Homefires is about providing a caring place to live and work. It's also about:
Giving people with disabilities a meaningful daily existence and the dignity and self-worth that comes with doing a good job;
Supporting our members and enabling their gifts to be shared with all;
Providing meaningful work to new high school graduates and to those who, because of their disabilities, require extra support;
Contributing to the greater community while being a hub for engaging and fun activities.
The L’Arche Vision
The Vision of L’Arche is rooted in relationship and belonging:
Mutual care, respect, and compassion between people with and without intellectual disabilities.
Sharing ordinary, daily life with all its joys and sorrows.
Living, working, learning, and celebrating together in communities of belonging.
Transforming our lives as we embrace our gifts and imperfections.
Recognizing that we need each other and are better together.
A model of inclusion, a way of peace, and a sign of hope for our world.
The Mission of L’Arche is to:
Make known the gifts of people with intellectual disabilities, revealed through mutually transforming relationships.
Foster an environment in community that responds to the changing dreams and needs of our members, while being faithful to the vision and core values of our founding story.
Engage in our diverse cultures, working together toward a more human society.
L’Arche demonstrates that with friendship, belonging, and the opportunity to contribute their gifts, people with intellectual disabilities flourish and their lives make a difference. They take a variety of valued roles – employees, volunteers, leaders, artists, teachers, friends, and family – contributing to the lives of their families, friends and communities.
Living with difference and vulnerability is challenging, yet L’Arche demonstrates that when all people, including the most marginalized, take their place, society becomes more human – more colourful, welcoming, creative, compassionate, and joyful.
For us in L’Arche, spirituality and meaning are fundamental to the fullness of life.
This conviction flows from our founding experience and guiding insight – that mutual relationships across difference transform us; that mutual relationships and trust in God, however we understand God, are at the heart of our journey together. These encounters lead us to more authenticity and freedom.
L’Arche is rooted in the Christian gospel, and continues to be shaped by people of different beliefs, practices and religions. Everyone belongs in L’Arche and everyone is welcome.